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Friday, March 4, 2011

world war ended

 representative Matthias Erzberger, signaled the end of World War One and

representative Matthias Erzberger, signaled the end of World War One and

When Did World War 2 End The date of the end of World War 2 was September

When Did World War 2 End The date of the end of World War 2 was September

Celebrating the end of World War One in Queen Street

Celebrating the end of World War One in Queen Street

World War 2 officially started on September 1, 1939 when Germany invaded

World War 2 officially started on September 1, 1939 when Germany invaded

 war to end all wars. View Screenshot. World in Flames

war to end all wars. View Screenshot. World in Flames

 end of the European phase of World War II, May 8, 1945.

end of the European phase of World War II, May 8, 1945.

Worldwide Commemoration Services Mark End of World War I: Global

Worldwide Commemoration Services Mark End of World War I: Global

 to make South Florida their home following the end of World War II.

to make South Florida their home following the end of World War II.

It grows out of Armistice Day, the day the carnage of World War I ended.

It grows out of Armistice Day, the day the carnage of World War I ended.

 April 30, 1945: End of World War II in Europe

April 30, 1945: End of World War II in Europe

World War II.

World War II.

The Cold War started in 1945 as soon as the World War II ended and it

The Cold War started in 1945 as soon as the World War II ended and it

Photograph: Officers at the end of World War II - General Courtney Hodges,

Photograph: Officers at the end of World War II - General Courtney Hodges,

World War II ended on what became known as V-J Day, as reported in The

World War II ended on what became known as V-J Day, as reported in The

Oak Ridgers celebrate the end of World War II PHOTO: Ed Westcott

Oak Ridgers celebrate the end of World War II PHOTO: Ed Westcott

World War I - How Did It End?

World War I - How Did It End?

Veterans of World War II joined by

Veterans of World War II joined by

It was supposed to be the war to end all war. For over four years World War

It was supposed to be the war to end all war. For over four years World War

Veterans of World War II joined by

Veterans of World War II joined by

Veterans of World War II joined by

Veterans of World War II joined by

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