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Saturday, January 8, 2011

the piercing

snake bites the piercing

snake bites the piercing

snake bites the piercing

snake bites the piercing

If you remove the piercing it will close up completely in 2-3 weeks,

If you remove the piercing it will close up completely in 2-3 weeks,

 at least, for the first few weeks after the piercing.

at least, for the first few weeks after the piercing.

Teen Girl with Piercing Most piercing places won't allow someone under the

Teen Girl with Piercing Most piercing places won't allow someone under the

however, now my piercing has white dead skin on on end of the piercing only.

however, now my piercing has white dead skin on on end of the piercing only.

The piercing at two different areas can be done separately and allowed to

The piercing at two different areas can be done separately and allowed to

Especially the piercing machine,

Especially the piercing machine,

Matt The Roc (2314 posts) Piercings 471x341

Matt The Roc (2314 posts) Piercings 471x341

And the piercing glare (I hope). So, just the greater intelligence and the

And the piercing glare (I hope). So, just the greater intelligence and the

must take care of it as not to allow the piercing to become infected.

must take care of it as not to allow the piercing to become infected.

Body piercing usually refers to the piercing of a part of the human body for

Body piercing usually refers to the piercing of a part of the human body for

There is the cost of the piercing to consider, the daily cleaning of the

There is the cost of the piercing to consider, the daily cleaning of the

While ampallangs are normally pierced thru the glans, some folk place the

While ampallangs are normally pierced thru the glans, some folk place the

The size can be set to "huge" to help you finding the piercing when you want

The size can be set to "huge" to help you finding the piercing when you want

 it's impossible not to be overwhelmed -- but not by the piercing screech

it's impossible not to be overwhelmed -- but not by the piercing screech

Pain which surrounds the piercing area when touched or even when not

Pain which surrounds the piercing area when touched or even when not

Of course the ancillary breadth it is put defines the name of the piercing.

Of course the ancillary breadth it is put defines the name of the piercing.

Should I get the jewelery removed from my hand web? I have had the piercing

Should I get the jewelery removed from my hand web? I have had the piercing

It is most important, though, to get the piercing done by a professional,

It is most important, though, to get the piercing done by a professional,

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